Represents the duration of a financial support and knowledge transfer
contract awarded by the social company EMPATEC to Phoenix-Speranța Association, Mediaș.
Phoenix Speranta Association was founded in June 27, 2001, with material and moral support from Skarsterlan Joure, the Netherlands and Marelan Group Sneek (which became Empatec in 2002)
Represents the duration of a financial support and knowledge transfer
contract awarded by the social company EMPATEC to Phoenix-Speranța Association, Mediaș.
The Association initiated and managed the first major project, with MATRA
funding provided by the Dutch Embassy in Bucharest. The aim of the project was: transfer of knowledge from relevant organizations in the Netherlands to five NGOs in Romania.
The significant Dutch influence regarding the approach of the persons with disabilities is expressed synthetically in the choice of the association’s mission: to increase the quality of life of people with disabilities through socio-professional integration actions.
The association achieved its organizational development goals by
accessing funds from the National Authority for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as well as the US Embassy (2005) and Soros Foundation (2005) funding.
Is the year in which the association initiated a partnership with the General
Direction for Social Assistance and Child Protection Sibiu, within the National Strategy for the restructuring of mega-centers for people with disabilities, having as objective the restructuring of the Center for Integration through Occupational Therapy from Dumbrăveni (about 500 people with disabilities lived in this center). The project received Phare funding. The association’s contribution was materialized in donating the land for a home for 50 people who, by moving in the premises of the association, could benefit from the social and professional integration services provided by Phoenix Speranta.
The new Center for Integration through Occupational Therapy, established
according to new standards, comes into operation and in this way the partnership with Sibiu County Council begins.
In 2007, the Sheltered Unit named Primul Pas (First Step) was established within the association according to Law 448/2006.
The association chooses to be a partner in its first project with
European funding: „Integrated social services and vocational training for people with disabilities”. The project is carried out in partnership with the Non-Governmental Professional Association of Social Assistance (ASSOC) in Baia Mare and is co-financed from European Funds, priority axis 6 „Promoting social inclusion”, field 6.2 „Improving the access and participation of vulnerable groups on the labor market”. Project objective – Increasing access to the labor market for people with disabilities by creating a formal scientifically based framework for EVALUATION, ACTIVATION, ACCREDITATION and ACCESSIBILIZATION.
Phoenix Speranta Association receives the „Employers of Ability” award at the
Disability Gala for the largest number of people with disabilities employed in a social economy structure.
Rewards the efforts of the members of the association with the most important
funding earned so far for the creation of a „Complex of social and professional integration services for vulnerable young people” in the municipality and the area. Funded by Velux Foundation of Denmark.
Comes with a recognition, at local level, for the effort on behalf of the
vulnerable persons community, and so Mrs. Maria Ioana Stanescu, the manager of Phoenix Speranta Association, receives the title of honorary citizen of Mediaș Municipality.
The beginning of 2020 finds us in a new location, on Comandor Dimitrie Moraru Street no. 17, with a warm and at the same time serious atmosphere ready to continue the mission assumed with so much perseverance.